Title and description liberally borrowed from Mark Twain's The Innocents Abroad.


In the Black

Because it's been so slow, all of our hours have been cut. No, that's not drastic enough; they've been slashed.* The upside of this is that I unexpectedly had the day to ski, despite the less than optimal conditions and lack of ski buddy. But I couldn't see what else I was going to do with my day, so my iPod and I sucked it up and hit the slopes. While not the most legendary of ski days, I feel as though I made some progress nonetheless. I skied a black diamond all by myself and only fell twice! It was the upper half of a lift line trail (the bottom half is blue) and was kind of steep and kind of bumpy. But it was my first full black and I survived. Then, joining Stosh on his ride break from work, we rode Outrigger, a fairly long black bump run speckled with little baby trees, grassy spots, and rocks, but altogether in decent condition. I lost a ski, but whatever, I made it down in one piece and I'll blame my slowness on physical exhaustion. So clearly I am becoming a sicknasty skier since I can "ski" blacks and live to tell the tale. Vasquez Cirque, here I come!

*Don't worry parents, my 401k will kick in soon. Just kidding - I am hot on the trail of 2nd and possibly 3rd jobs.

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