Title and description liberally borrowed from Mark Twain's The Innocents Abroad.


يوم المفتوح

Open Day!

What a spectacle. 60-some odd college students, uppity Jordanian professors, staff members, and 2 hours of songs and skits. What could be better? We in مستوى خامس did a rousing rendition of Hashemi Hashemi to open, which basically included us running around like idiots while Ari, the only guy in our class, shook his booty à la Napoleon Dynamite in what may have been a fairly accurate imitation of the King - not that I would know, never having seen him dance. Then I also read some dumb paragraph about a city, and then I was in debkah, which is traditional dance, and it was AWESOME we were so good. It's like a mix between riverdance, the horah, and ridiculousness. And THEN our class also did Snow White! And I was the Evil Stepmother/Queen, and I was SOOO good. It was so fun. Except then I was exhausted and went to bed last night at 9:30/10 and woke up this morning at 9:00 which was great great great. Finally! Real sleep.

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