Title and description liberally borrowed from Mark Twain's The Innocents Abroad.


Strawberry Fields Forever

It almost might be spring. That mecca of delicious produce, Safeway, wants us to think so anyway. Two pounds of strawberries for $3.49 (with the Safeway card, of course) and two pounds of rhubarb for $5 (with the Safeway card, of course) in the end managed to wrest several dollars from my wallet with the hopes of ushering in the change of seasons in style.

Naturally, something in the spirit of the not-yet-season had to be prepared and, imagining myself in July, it seemed the best option was strawberry-rhubarb shortcake. Unfortunately, it isn't July, and we're not in Maine with Gillespie's strawberries and rhubarb from the garden. But it is what it is and anyone who knows me knows I can never get enough of strawberry-rhubarb anything even out of season...especially if there are shortcake biscuits involved.

On a side note, trying to empty the house of perishables, this afternoon's activities involved guacamole, tomato-cucumber salad, mango-tomato salad, buttermilk rye bread, oatmeal wheat bread, and the crown jewel, a round loaf of cinnamon raisin that could punnily be called cinnamon raisin' after it took over half the oven. I don't think we'll starve anytime soon.


  1. OK, no more food posts. Yo are driing me crazy.

  2. he means driving.and you.

    unless he means drying, in reference to how raisins are actually dried grapes.

    hi dad
