Title and description liberally borrowed from Mark Twain's The Innocents Abroad.



I decided I needed motivation to save money, and I decided that motivation is to go back to Jordan. What better reason to not buy that extraneous whatever than to have enough in the bank for a plane ticket?

It's still weird being back at school ... it could just be the senior thing or it could be reverse homesickness, but I just feel kind of floaty and ungrounded, like I really don't know what I'm doing. It's weird, I don't like it. So I need a goal, and this is it.

Plus everything makes me miss Jordan...especially Arabic because it's so EASY. It kills me. I want to tell everyone that عامية is so easy they just need to stop being afraid of it...but class is so BLEGH all in English and people don't understand and everyone always looks at me when there's a question...it's going to make me forget everything! حرام...

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